Friday, December 10

The Schedule for the day

Today, I'm going to try to get out a little early from work, becase I have to work for at least a half day tomorrow.
  • Before I leave, I'll have to try to get my Advent Devotion out so I can print it.
  • And some sort of topical comment on stuff out there in the 'sphere
  • Hit the gym and lift weights
  • The kids want to go swimming tonight
  • I want to ride 60-90 minutes on the trainer
  • And get a serious post in before going to sleep
That should keep me honest.

No more.
Really. Well heck just 'cause ya looked. Here's last nights prayer again:
Jesus help us to don the armor of light and spread your message to those around us by our example. Let your Spirit fill and inspire us so that all we do is for the glory of Your name.