Tuesday, January 11

Hate Hate Hate

Now that I've started on my little "critical realism" project to understand the left/right divide, I thought we could put our newfangled technology to work. Over at The Debate Link today, Mr Shraub has penned a little essay about a recent judicial issue involving adoption by gay couples. Now, I haven't followed the particulars of this case, and am not going to comment directly on its merits.

Mr Shraub states:
the guiding, if not entire, principle behind the law was naked animus toward Gay people (emphasis mine)

What I am going to try to address is the common practice of the left, especially with respect to issues involving homosexuals is that commonly they point to animus (hate) as the motivation behind the actions of their opposition. On this site, I have been subject to accusations of bigotry and hate with respect to these types of issues when I suggested that I didn't support Same Sex Marriage. Now, I think I understand what the word "hate" means. Hate, it seems to me, is a particularly strong emotion. I would personally be surprised to be argue that a person is driven by hate but that he isn't personally aware that is what drives him. Rarely do I think one is accused of "hating" unconsciously. If I hate someone or something, on personal reflection one would expect negative feelings, revulsion, or the like. I find none, in fact, on a personal level I feel warm friendship toward those I know.

I don't think I'm a unique denizen of the right. Thus the accusation in many case (but alas I can't claim all) is false. However, it is a "story told by the left" consistently. How does this story fit in with the rest of their (the left's) worldview? Here's my take on it.
  • The reason that the left does so strongly support gay issues is their primary story about diversity and acceptance of others beliefs.
  • The basis of this story lies in the desire to love and cherish every individual regardless of their behavior and beliefs
  • Since the reasons for acceptance of diversity is grounded in love and respect, the natural reason for rejection of it, is the converse, hate and disrespect.
  • Hence, the natural assumption that in rejecting a group based on their belief or action the motivation naturally must be hate.

Here is where I think the error lies. I'm going to embellish a little to emphasize my point. The left assumes that because I love my neighbor I must accept and cherish his actions. The right assumes that I love my neighbor, but that means that if he sins I should not cherish his sin, but try to lead him to righteousness.

As a conclusion I would entreat my left brethren not to automatically assume animus as the driving principle behind the actions of those people on the right. Just as themselves are motivations are correct. We differ in our conclusions about how to act rightly, and that should be the starting point, not accusations of hate.