Saturday, December 4

Today's Blogging

A preview of what's to come today at this humble blog. If letting you know ahead of time is something I should continue on this blog, drop a comment, I'll try to do it every morning. And remember, the best laid plans of mice and men, oft do not coincide with God's plans.

I've been doing Advent devotions with the family. But I'm not really thrilled with the little homily in either of the Advent devotional books I got last Sunday. So, I've decided to try to write my own little essay for the family about the lessons (or whatever) for the day as we prepare our path to Christmas. Anyhow, I'm going to post it here as well.

For my next post I plan to take the girls to I am David today. There should be a Christian Dad's Movie Review shortly after dinner-time.

Also today, I'm going to try to get my next Pauline Epistle essay (starting 1st Corinthians) in today. That should be posted late tonight.