Wednesday, February 2

Visiting: On an Azure Field of Gratuitous Advice

Today for our visiting series, I turn to On an Azure Field of Gratuitous Advice, hosted by David (no surname given). The motto of this blog is Taking on the academics, the media and profiteers in a world full of Gratuitous Advice. By What Authority? Ipse Dixit.. Recent posts of note include:
  • Do Androids Worship Electric Gods? In this post, we discover that in the new Sci-Fi channel series, BattleStar Galactica (which was if I recall discussed by another of the blogs I visited), has like the original series, the Cylon (?) android opponents. But it seems that the androids worship (a) God. David hopes that this theme will be expounded in later episodes.
  • Psalm 44 - not your average pep talk for a meditation on Psalm 44, worth reading.
  • Who Really Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? David provides more evidence on how loopy the tin foil hat crowd on the left can get (the answer is Bush!?).